Monday, September 3, 2012

Flashing Back to Your Past

A flashback is a break in a narrative sequence that takes the reader back to a prior event to provide background on a character or a conflict. Book IX, the first book of The Odyssey that we'll read, starts with a flashback where Odysseus shares his life since the Trojan War. Record this definition and example on your reading guide.

Now, in a comment on this post, flash back to an event or a series of events from your past you feel define(s) you. If you met a stranger and he asked you to tell a story that captured who you are, what would you say?

Here's what I would say. Use my example below as a model to your flashback story in terms of its length and tone.

Several years ago, I sat at my kitchen table reading Poe's "The Fall of the House of Usher" on a Saturday evening. As a twenty-something, I should have been out with my friends or then-boyfriend (now husband); instead, I delighted in Poe's every word, thinking I could reach into my kitchen drawer for a fork and knife, carving out words your "ephemeral" and "epiphany" and eating them they were so delicious. In this moment, like Roderick, I had an epiphany of my own: I wanted to go back to graduate school. So began an adventure that came to include many hours or studying, much of it subjects I wasn't interested in and material I found inconsequential, but I continued to apply myself, seeing that end goal in my mind's eye. After toiling for months, I received a letter saying I wasn't accepted. The university to which I'd applied was overwhelmed with applicants and underwhelmed with funding, limiting the acceptancies to a mere twelve of its over 100 applicants. I wasn't one of those twelve. Then, I contemplated my hours of study, tearing up at what felt like wasted effort. Now, I still see that goal in my mind's eye, and slowly the energy toward that goal rekindles. You see, I love to learn and I'm willing to work hard. I'm resilient and unwavering in my understanding that if I reach out long enough for long enough, that I'll reach that goal.

That's my flashback. Now you go.


  1. A few years ago I played on this soccer team called the Robins. This was my first soccer team that I have ever played on. I was with the Robins from 2nd grade to about around 6th Grade. After my spring season with the robins the team fell apart and everyone went their separate ways. I started out 7th grade playing with a new league and a new team. I moved to the Real Colorado to play with the Red Hots. When I joined the team I started off really bad and all the other girls were way better than me. After playing a few weeks with my team I decided to step up my game. This shaped me who I am in a big way. I became really competitive and more passionate about socceer. Now I take everything I do more seriously and do my best in everything I do. I am now a very independent, strong, competitive person.

  2. I am a very fierce person I stand up strongly for what I believe in, even if it gets me into trouble. I’m all about family and true friends and being real with myself and everyone around me. My friends know quickly that if they want to be my friends they have to learn my does and don’ts and respect me and once they understand that I can very well be the best friend you’ve ever had. the point is, is that when it comes down to it I’m not afraid to do what I have to in order to stand up for and protect the ones I love. I have been this way for as long as I can remember, even as the new girl in the first grade of Clayton elementary. My brother and sister had been going to the school longer than I had and it was the first day they were ever late. The preschoolers only had half days and since both my siblings were in preschool they had never seen the cafeteria before. my little brother falls behind and I noticed so I turned around to find him tuning the corner and popping his head into the cafeteria, then this older boy in about the first or second grade I guessed popped out burped in little Kade-orade's face and screamed "AHHHHHHRRRRRRRRR". My poor baby brother screamed so loud and started shaking and crying, I was over there before that boy even knew what hit him. I was the puma and that was MY baby. I practically raised my Kade and Kelsey, no one was ever going to mess with MY babies. I slammed the kid back against the wall then turned to my still terrified brother and calmed him down and told him to go catch up with Daddy. Daddy was up the hall holding Kelsey-choo's hand and hadn’t noticed what was happening. I turned back to the guy and started waving my finger in his face, "NO ONE MESSES WITH MY FAMILY BUT ME! UNLESS I SAY SO! AND I DONT THINK I SAID SO... DID I? NO! DONT YOU EVER COME WITHIN SIGHT OF MY BABY BROTHER OR ANYONE IN MY FAMILY EVER AGAIN!” I wasn’t finished with my ranting and finger waving but he then decided to pin me against the wall with this idiotic grin on his face and I then decided that I was not having it. I put my arms up and slammed him in the chest as hard as I could and he flew halfway across the hallway and stumbled the rest of the way where he landed on his butt on the floor back against the wall a look of surprise on his face that would have made me laugh ‘til I peed if I hadn’t been so furious. And to top off the perfect first day I hear “GO KORRIE!” from the other end of the hall and my dad is jumping up and down. I roll my eyes and puff out a breath as I shuffle speed walk my way down to my dad where I grab his hand in mine and smack it lightly “I told you not to call me that…” I’m blushing because now everyone knows my moronic nickname, but I continue holding his hand and watching him smile and be proud of me standing up for my brother (and myself after being pinned in that threatening position) and I smiled with him and let him walk me to class. That was the first time I ever did anything that big and that I ever did anything at all like that in front of my dad, and thinking back on it now makes me smile, I really miss my dad and I REALLY miss my little kid life.

  3. When I was in fourth grade, all of my friends and I decided to try lacrosse. In the beginning it was fun, but soon everybody had gotten better than me and I didn’t like that, so I quit. Over the years my friends continued with lacrosse and I wasn’t doing anything. They could never hang out because of it and I started to wish I hadn’t quit. Finally in 7th grade I decided to sign up again. Everybody was better than me, but I always reminded myself that they have had years of experience. In the end I got a lot better and had so much fun with all of my new friends. It made me realize that when you’re bad at something or it gets hard, you shouldn’t quit because in the end you might like it a lot. Also, being involved in lacrosse made me realize it’s not just about you, it’s about being a part of something bigger and being part of a team. This is definitely something I live by every day and helped shape me as a person.

  4. Several years ago I sat in my bedroom listening to music. I should I have been outside playing with all the neighbors like every other kid. However instead, I sat in my room fighting myself about if I wanted to do team gymnastics or continue with recreational classes like all my friends were doing. I finally came the conclusion that I was going to try out for team gymnastics. After several privates and intense training I was finally ready to try out for team gymnastics. After what had felt like weeks, I finally received a call letting me know I had made the level four compulsory team. Shortly after making the team I felt like I wasn't good enough everyone could do a kip and I couldn't. It finally clicked into my head that I love gymnastics and I do have a place on this team. If I had never figured that out I would never be where I am today as a gymnast. Through tough times of being told I wasn't good enough I persevered and I didn't let those words stop me, and look where I am today, I am currently a JV cheerleader for my school, and could not be happier.

  5. I have been dancing ever since I was five, and this is going to sound crazy, but I remember my first recital. I remember being the only one who actually knew the dance, the costume (a yellow tutu with pink, purple, and blue flowered head pieces), the song, my teacher’s name (Ms Kara), and I especially remember the little jolt excitement that went through my heart as I stepped on stage. We were so small back then, but in the little yellow tutu we were the cutest little things ever. As we stood on the huge wooden stage, with the lights right on us, you could hear the little collective “ahhh” as our music started and we launched into our thirty-eight second dance. After we finished our rendition of “I Won’t Grow Up” we all held hands and ran off the stage I fits of giggles. I ran to my mom and hugged her as tight as my tiny arms could muster while she praised me on my near perfect performance and tried to keep me from squishing my flowers. Ten years later, I still get that little jolt, I still remember that one recital and I hope I always will. In the last ten years I have moved from cutesy baby ballet, to full blown Pointe numbers, I have added five other genres to my dance experience and a multitude of friends to go with them. Dance is my life and I hope that I never have to quit doing what I love.

  6. I always used to be a very shy girl who never wanted to talk to anyone. Then one year I decided to join a sport because I thought I would help me break out of my shell. The sport I decided to join was soccer, the reason I joined soccer was because I had some friends that played soccer and they would always tell me how much fun it was. So I signed up for a team and a few weeks later I had my first soccer practice. I was not very excited for this practice for two reasons, the first reason was because I was very shy, but I knew in order to play on the team I would have to talk to the other girls and I was very nervous about that. The second reason why I was not excited to go to practice was because I had never played soccer in my life so had absolutely no idea what I was getting myself into. After the first practice, I never wanted to go back, I was scared to talk to my teammates and it was obvious all of the other girls had much more experience than I did. But I still wanted to break out of my comfort zone so I continued going to the practices and the more I went, the easier it was to talk to the girls on my team. I was really happy I joined soccer because it definitely changed me as a person and as an athlete, now I am not as shy I was a few years ago and I found that because of soccer I am also a much more completive person.

  7. I’ve had a best friend throughout my entire life, her name is Rachel. Rachel and I have been friends since we were about 2 years old, and we’ve been friends ever since. Though I tried very hard to convince Rachel to come to Arapahoe, she had her eyes set on Valor. Throughout eighth grade I knew Rachel and I were going to different high schools, but it hadn’t really set in; I still saw her every day, and sat next to her in Spanish class, and ate lunch with her. It was the night of the eighth grade dinner, right before graduation, when we were watching a memory video my teacher had made of pictures of us throughout the years, that I realized that I wasn’t going to see Rachel every day anymore. I wasn’t going to be able to eat lunch with her, or sit next to her in Spanish class. I was really worried, coming to Arapahoe, that we weren’t going to stay friends. It’s taught me a very important lesson; that even though you and a friend may not have everything in common anymore, like school, that you can be friends. You can’t look at a person’s differences, you have to look at who they are as a person. Even though Rachel and I no longer have school to talk about together, we have so many other things to do. Even though it’s only been 3 weeks, I have a feeling that Rachel and I are going to be friends forever.

  8. I have had many turning points in my young life that has shaped me. However, I believe the most prominent was the first moment I stepped onto a stage on my own; my first competitive dance solo. It was a basic lyrical, with a couple of major jumps and turns, but overall easy. I stepped out on stage and my breath caught in my throat. The whole theater was there in front of me, and the entire stage was mine. The music began, happy and light-hearted, and a face breaking smile split my face. I began to dance, and I thought it couldn't have been more perfect. Then-silence. The music stopped, right in the, middle of my dance. I kept going despite the fact that the only sound was my breathing and my feet hitting the floor. One of the judges called for a reset and I began again.... Perfect again. This event showed me that nothing was perfect but anything can be beautiful. I won first place.

  9. I have many moments in the past that have defined me. One if these moments was when I was six years old. I was on a soccer team that was really fun for the entire season. After that season, all of the players decided to go to different teams. I was unfortunately forced to go to a new one also. The new team that I played on was more skilled then I was. The first few practices didn't go so well. I wanted to quit after that. I begged my parents but they wouldn't let me. They told me to stick it out through the season. If I really wanted to quit after the season was over, then they would let me. As I made more friends and improved on my skills, I actually started to like the team. This experience has taught me to never give up. Even if the odds are against you, you should never give up. I apply this lesson to my everyday life. I don't know who I would be today after this life changing experience.

  10. A couple of years ago on St.Patrick's day I did something that defines me. I was baptized. I chose to get baptized because I wanted to be closer to God. I was baptized at Cherry Hills Community Church in Highlands Ranch. This experience was amazing. I was one of hundreds of teenagers who all wanted to receive eternal life in heaven. After my head was completely underneath the water I felt extremely different. I now feel much closer to God and I feel like a much stronger Christian.

  11. Over the summer I went on a missions trip with my church to the Quad Cities area of Iowa. This was my first missions trip and I was very excited but I also didn’t know what to expect. On this trip I got a lot closer to God and all of my friends, but I also realized how blessed we are here in Centennial suburbia. The place we went was a major spot for refugees from around the world to move to America. We met a lot of people who we wouldn’t usually talk to and got to know each other and God a lot more for an entire week.

  12. Several years ago I was a kid who was shy and wanting nothing to do with anything outside of my school, but until my best friend was going to join chess club I knew it was the time to get out my shell and and fly like an Ostrich and join a club outside of my class. The first day of chess club I did not know anybody from my class and the only person that I know was my best friend Kellie. But when my teacher told us to pick a partner I knew it was the time to get out my comfort zone and I ask someone to be my partner and they said yes, and by asking I knew that it was going to be a new step that I could be less shy and be more outgoing and try to make new friends. By the end of the school year I made about 10 other new friends and by I was going to start sixth grade I thought to myself that I'm going to be a new person and left the old Kenny back at 5th grade.

  13. About 3 years ago when I was just going into middle school I went to Wyld Life. Wyld Life is a youth group that is part of Young Life but it is for middle school. My brothers have been going there for a while and i wanted to try it out. I went with my friends and when we walked in there were games of soccer and basketball going on and it looked like a lot of fun. I was nervous at first but it quickly went away and I went every week. There was a snow camp for Wyld Life and I went. The first night our group went to play games, party, and talk about God. Ever sence night I have wanted God to be part of my life.

  14. my defining moment was a couple years ago during youth group when my brother in-law talked to me about being a better christian and puting God first in my life. after that day I feel like I have lived a better life.

  15. Rewind about three years, i was a little sixth grader at the time and I had been waiting to be in the youth group for the entirety of my elementary school life. It was finally here, and i was nervous but excited, you know the feeling right before you go on stage for maybe a class play or something, but when i finally get in there, it's not at all what i expected. They all sang church songs that I had never heard before, among other things that weren't expected, it was all a little weird. I went every week though and eventually i knew the songs and everything seemed natural. There was just one more thing that made me uncomfortable, I hadn't made any friends, so I never strayed more than about six feet from my older brother. I know now that this bothered him, but back then all he told me was that there were nice people in the youth group and that I should get to know them. Eventually of course i did get to know some nice people and we are better friends than I am with most of my school friends.

  16. My defining moment would be when I was very young. It wasn't a single event, but more of a gradual process. I have an older sister who is 18 years old and she was the only one I really was around as a kid. I grew up with her so I always loved to be more mature and act older. I would give anything to be like her. After spending a certain amount of time with a person, you truly do tend to change and act just like them. So, that is what happened. Ever since my childhood, I have always felt out of place in the age group I am placed in. I usually hang around with older kids because I am used to "being" their age. This part of my childhood honestly defined me more than anything, and really, I do appreciate it. I may feel out of place sometimes, but I have grown closer to some older friends and I wouldn't change that for anything.

  17. I feel that my defining moment would be about a month ago when I moved here from Oregon. It was really weird I never really felt that I was leaving even though every one kept acting like it. I still don’t feel i have fully left. Moving has has taught me one thing though. It has taught me to meet new people and adapt to new conditions. Back in Oregon I was in my own little bubble safe from the outside world but moving has showed me what I would have to learn when I leave high school.

  18. What defines myself is the core of what I spend my time around. For half of my life I have been involved in baseball and I enjoy doing it. Baseball is the one sport I participate in and put all of my time into. I have a goal of playing baseball in college and have intentions in making it come true. So i feel confident in saying baseball defines me.

  19. My defining moment was near the beginning of third grade. I had just moved Colorado and the school I was going to started me in all regular classes. When we started learning math in my class, I realized that I had done all the stuff we were doing last year, so I took a couple tests to move up to a more advanced class. I continued to do this through three other classes, and then settled at a 5th grade class. At that point, I realized that I was extremely smart in mathematics and started getting involved in activities such as robotics and brain bowl. I am still involved in things like computer aided design and robotic programming. If I didn't keep trying to improve my math skills, I wouldn’t be at the point I am at now.

  20. When I was young I was in West Virginia visiting my family. We were walking along a rusty old railroad but I decided to run on them. This led to me falling on my face. My mom rushed me to the back of the pick up and proceeded to ask me if I was ok. As a little kid you think the sight of your own legs dripping blood would make you scream and cry and never stop. I said “I’m OK” and hopped off the back of the pick up and ran off to go exploring. This moment in my past defines me because it shows that I am tough and strong willed to do what I want.

  21. A few years ago I joined a soccer team called real. In the begining when I frst started playing I was really bad and never scored any goals. Every other girl on the team was way better then me. So then during practice I wanted to get good, so I pushed self to make goals and everything and just practiced a lot. So then I finally got good at soccer and thats the sport I have always played. Now im on competitive teams and make goals and everything.

  22. My defining moment was at the end of my 6th grade year. That was the year i started playing lacrosse. I had wanted to play for about two years now but didn't know if I should. Me and my friend were talking and he said that i should join his team so I talked with my dad and we signed up. The first couple of weeks were hard but I kept trying. The more I played the easier it got and the more I started to like it. By the end of my spring season i loved it. I played summer and fall. I have been playing ever since and have met some of my really good friends from playing. It also helped me decide what I want to do in life, be a pro lacrosse player. This year I am going to try to go further in my lacrosse career by playing for Arapahoes team.

  23. when I was in third or fourth grade I figured out that I LOVE to read, it all started because I wanted to watch the Harry Potter movies and my parental unit said that I HAD to read the books before I see the movie. So being the only one of my friends who hadnt seen any of the movies I had to start reading them and slowly I began to fall in love with every word that J.K. Rowling composed onto the pages of her books, and now she is the reason that I want to become a writer. so i can share my love of reading and writeing with children like me.

  24. A moment that defines me now happened last year. It was early august just before the start of school. I decided that I wanted to try football just to mix it up a little bit. I got to the field so excited i couldn't think straight. The practice when on for about two hours. I was tired and ready to go home, but there was still 30 minutes of conditioning to do. We ran so much that I threw up. After that I wanted to quit, just go home and go to bed. I realized that if you really want to succeed at something, you have to do it till you want to give up. Then take it one step farther. I now make this a rule in my life in everything i want to succeed at.

  25. A few years ago I started working out and training with Sean Nolen, owner of Elite basketball Academy, and former Northern Colorado player. He is a very good coach and always makes us all work hard. He gets me better every day and workout we have. He told all of my team that we could someday play D1 college basketball if we continue to work and keep a high work ethic. From that point on playing D1 has always been my goal and dream. Sean and the other coaches motivate me to keep getting better. Later in that year while I was back visiting my family in Southern California I found out of Katin Reinhardt. He is a native of Southern California just near where I was born in Newport Beach. He grew up in Dana Point Area and attended Mater Dei high school and is my favorite basketball player. Katin inspires me, and is my hero. He led Mater Dei to two state titles, and is now heading to play basketball at UNLV. I love his work ethic, attitude, humbleness, Christian identity, and the way he plays the game. I look up to him and I aim to follow in his path. The energy I have to achieve my dream, and do it for my family and God is high. I have made my dream of playing D1 basketball a reality and with my attitude I can achieve it.

  26. A few years ago I began my life in football. This is how it started I became really good friends with this kid by the name of Luke Morrone that was playing for the highlands ranch mustangs and he was tell me how cool of a team it was and I was like wow, that would be so cool to play with him on his team. So that summer I started working out and I got the chance to meet his dad one coaches for the team and he was like I would love to have you on my team so I signed up. That fall I was starting o-line and leaning to play some D. I was having a lot of fun and that year we went to the playoffs but did not make it to the super bowl. So I loved it so much that I signed up to play spring for two years and fall for one. That next fall we went without a loss and won the super bowl. That was a great season. Now I am off to high school and I wondered what I am going to do there.

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  28. Last winter, I decided to play spring league football to prepare for high school football. The first three weeks of practice I played average, didn’t go my hardest by far. Instead of trying to fix myself I blamed our loses on coaching and the talent of the team. The night before our next game we watched film from our previous game. We finished early; we saw enough of our own mistakes and lack of effort, so our coach showed us his previous team’s footage. Footage showing teams he coached, teams with less talent then our own, beating teams that would beat us in a landslide. He said that talent is one thing; hard work is a completely different category of skill. After film I went home and kept reminding myself what our coach told us. The next morning I received a starting position at Defensive-End, not due to earning it but lack of players at the game. That Game I gave it all I had. In return I earned a permanent starting position at Defensive-End, along with five sacks, two open field tackles and one forced fumble. That was the turning point of my life not only in sports but in everything I did from that day on. That was the day I realized “Hard work beats talent, when talent does not work hard.”

  29. Two football seasons ago my team lost our second game of the season. It's a given that sometimes you are going to lose, but when you lose because you didn't play up to the best of your ability that doesn't suffice. In this game we got beat by a team we should have creamed. We thought going into the game that they would just roll over for us and because we were the favorite to win they would give up. This loss left the most disgusting tastes in our mouths and we wanted to get rid of it quick. This one failure made us the team we were. We finished the season 6-2 having our second loss be a game that had no meaning to whether or not either team would advance to the playoffs. That taste in my mouth was my motivation every week and my will to play as hard as I can, and I am sure I could speak for my teammates as well. We realized that going through the motions would not suffice and that we were going to need to put in a little effort to succeed. This loss taught me that no mater what is, just going through the motions will not do and that to be delighted with a result is going to take time and effort. I apply that in my every day life, and although I may not always get the result I am looking for I will never give up until the job is done the right way.

  30. This year, after not playing soccer for 4 years, I decided that I wanted to give it a run again. I went to kick-arounds to get ready for this fall. I wasn't very good. Even when I tried my hardest I couldn't beat these guys. I thought that I wouldn't make the team this year if I don't improve in my all-around skills in soccer. So, I worked on my ball control, speed, and power. At the start of the try-outs, I still wasn't sure i would make it. I didn't try hard enough the first few days, but after that I started pushing myself. I would think to myself, just keep trying, cover that guy, get the ball, you can do it. With the motivation of my teammates,and the determination to do my best, I made the freshman/sophomore team. I have learned that if I set my mind to a goal that I have set for myself, I can achieve anything I want to.

  31. When I was in elementary school I didn't have any friends, and I was the chosen target of bullying. Every day I would go home feeling awful about myself, even though I did nothing wrong. After switching to Powell Middle school I found a place where I belong. I found friends, and a school that did not tolerate bullying. The friends I made on my first day of sixth grade and up to eighth or now in High school with me, and I have never felt more at home.

  32. I am not afraid to be me! I love saying that, but it’s easier said than done. Just this past summer, I was at a church camp in Utah. Kids attended from all over the country. We were put in groups called, Companies. At the beginning of something new with strangers, I am undoubtedly uncertain about myself. I am shy. However, once I get comfortable, there is no stopping my confidence. By the end of the week, I was showing everyone the real me: optimistic, enthusiastic, caring, crazy and a tiny bit obnoxious. I didn’t care about the boys or anyone else. At the end of the week, one kid in my company said, “ I think Sammi is cool. She just doesn’t care about what other people think” That really boosted my self-esteem and confirmed that I love who I am.
    I am also Mormon. Being a Mormon is hard, but it defines me as a person. Many people say Mormons are weird and different. I understand why people say that. We wait until we’re sixteen to date, we stay away from alcohol, drugs, coffee, and addictive substances, we refrain from vulgar words in our vocabulary, amongst other things that make us appear to be “goody goods” But I am proud to be a Mormon, I have never been afraid to say that.

  33. It had been the end of seventh and I had been skating for about four years. Everything was going great until all my friends from school would leave together to go to soccer or volleyball. Though I love skating it’s not a group sport. Most of figure skating is mostly just skating by yourself and I was feeling left out from all the other sports. Finally I started to dread going to skate. The rink I was at was a new rink for me and I didn’t know very many people. All I wanted to do was go with my friends from school. Then one day it all changed when I was at the rink and someone came up to me. They introduced me to all their friends and we started to talk. Today my friends at the rink are my closest friends. I have learned that you don’t always need to follow the group, sometimes you can find friends in unexpected places.

  34. Several years ago, I sat in my room listening to music. I should have been outside like all the other kids. However I was sitting in my room deciding weather or not I should try out for team gymnastics. I finally came to the conclusion that I was going to try out for team gymnastics. After several private lessons and intense training I was finally ready to try out for team gymnastics. After what had felt like week I finally got the call saying I had made the level four compulsory team. About a week after I made the team, I felt like I wasn't good enough. Everyone could do a kip and I couldn't. It finally clicked into my head that I was good enough otherwise I wouldn't have been put on the team. Through perseverance and dedication I got to where I am today as a JV cheerleader for my high school.

  35. A defining moment in my life was when my family got my pet dog. I was nine years old and my dad and I decided we wanted a dog, so we got a newspaper and found a family with some puppies. When we got to their house they said she would be shy, but she came right up to us, and so she picked us. We took her home and she was very happy to have a new home. This defines me because I found out how much I enjoy having a pet.

  36. I really enjoy playing sports. Softball has become one of my favorites. I don't have a favorite position, I will play wherever I am needed. I have been playing since I was in the fourth grade. Unfortunately, this past summer I was unable to play in my usual summer league. The reason was due to not having enough girls to participate. I was pretty bummed because that meant I would be too old next summer to play for Coach Donovan. She had been my coach for a long time and this would have been my last chance to play for her. About the time she had given me the bad news, I had gotten information that Arapahoe was holding softball camps during the summer. I decided to participate. It was quite eye opening, and more intense than I was used to. Even though I struggled I decided to tryout for the team. It was pretty nerve wracking because I knew that not everyone would make the team. I always remember Coach Donovan saying, "Never give up, and always play your best." To my relief I did make the team and I was so happy. It made me feel good that even though I struggled in camp, the coaches saw potential in me. I may not always play in every game, but when I do I always think back to what Coach Donovan said and I give it my all.

  37. The better man is not the one who gets defeated, but the man who rises from defeat. This is in a way how I view my life. I remember the first time someone in my family died. My grandfather on my mom’s side died when I was in third grade. Unlike many of my peers, who had not yet experienced an event like this, I understood death. I knew when someone died, they wouldn’t greet me when I walked through the double doors at their funeral. I remember the feeling, because I felt it three other times (my other grandparents), the pit in your stomach that makes you feel as if the wind just got knocked out of you. I remember going to the hospital, and watching machines artificially keep my grandpa’s corpse alive. However, I moved on, I got up, and recognized reality. Whether or not I meet them at the pearly gates of heaven is anyone’s guess, but I soon realized that I couldn’t live dwelling on the past, and when they died, they taught me a better lesson than they ever could living. The world doesn't stop turning for your heartache, you must pick yourself up.

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  39. My paragraph is not truly on a flashback in my life but more of a look at how sports have effected it. Not only has it found me some of my best friends I have today but it also serves a bigger purpose in my life. Primarily an outlet to bad feelings and almost what others would call depression, because whenever I feel bad I don’t do what other people do . . . I don’t just mope around complaining to other people or do anything crazy like drink. No, I just longboard over to Greenwood Athletic Club and go to work. I normally stay there from 6 to there closing time (10) every day, and just relieve all stress I have in life. To add what I do in the afternoons, I have football right after school till five; to some kids on the freshman team it is just “a thing there parents are making them do” or its a joke to them, but to me I take it as serious as it can be and thats why I’m a starter, if you want something you actually have to work for it. So while other people on the team are being lazy and not having a fun time, Im working hard and having a great time. In the end sports keep me in line and out of bad stuff and they are also amazingly fun to play.

  40. I think the moment in my life that would most define who I am is a year ago when I played for my Panthers team and we were 2-5 we weren't doing so hot that year and we played this team that was 4-3 and if they won they would go to the play-offs, our play-off hopes were already shot but, all we wanted to do was not let them in. We go into the first quarter pumped and excited and we come out of the 4th with a 14-0 win when I realized that football really defines who I am. All I do is play football I am a competitor, I like the feeling of winning with your other family.I really think football has really effected my life.

  41. A moment that defined me happened last year when I played for my AYL team the Patriots. That year I came into football as minimum play player. After the second game we weren't doing too well on our offensive line. I told myself that I could get this position if I go in for it and show that I am here to play and not give up. I played my heart out that day, and I got to start for a change and have a lot more time playing in the games. This defined me as a person who sees his chance to do something great and takes it. I am a person who works hard to get what I want. Football has really made it clear what defines me.

  42. A moment that defined me that seems to be more difficult of a question than it appears. I have had so many defining moments even one only two days ago. The different aspects of my personality and who I am in general has to do with so many moments that I could right more of a book than a paragraph. In this situation where i'm supposed to choose only one moment was when my friend died. This wasn't a traditional friendship it was a chat website that I found this summer with kids my age going threw the hell of being different than those around them. Out of the maybe 40 people that were on the chat this one person sent me a message to join a private chat. We had became instant friends from there because our lives were very similar and it was so great just not to feel along. After about the first week I would usually talk to him for a little bit every day. During the beginning of august I went on a three day camping trip and when I returned I saw that I had a message on my computer. The message claimed that I was receiving it from the mother of my friend. His mom than went on to say thank you to me for being his friend but that in more detail than I would have wished to know took his own life because of bullying. That moment definitely had a large impact because it made me know that if I can achieve anything in my lifetime it is to be able to play apart is saving someone from coming to the same tragic end.

  43. The biggest thing that defines who I am was in 6th grade. I was out looking for my dog when I heard a moan. It was coming from my neighbor. I went over and looked and she had fainted or been knocked over by my dog. She said she was just trying to play with Shelby(my dog), but Shelby had gotten too excited. I quickly ran to her side and asked if she needed help, she said she was all right , but i could tell she was in serious pain. After I could tell she was in serious pain I ran inside my house to get my mom. Then, me and my mom ran to my neighbors aid. My mom decided to call the ambulance even though Barbara (my neighbor) said she didn't need it. The ambulance came as fast as it could and took Barbara away. In a few days she was back as normal. She never really said thank you, nut by the way she looked at me from that day on I could tell she was grateful. In all I think that is one story that defines me most as a quick thinker.

  44. A while back when I was younger, my step sister taught me to be more confident in life. To start, my step sister one day came home and was really excited about something. She was kind of a personal person and didn't share much with the family that often. My family asked her what happened and she couldn't hold it in anymore, so she began telling us with a hyper and confident attitude. That changed my perspective on how my family would react, and they reacted with a positive attitude which taught me that it was okay to share good things with them and other people. Later on, my step sister acted confident and had a fun, outgoing attitude. I started following those characteristics and I became more confident!This made an impact on my life and now I am a more-confident person.

  45. I think a moment that really defined me was about a year ago I was working on on a jump for skating for almost three years, and I had the jump before but I lost it. So I had been working on it every day for three years and eventually I had just wanted to just stop trying. Everyone told me I almost had it and to not stop trying so I keep trying. But a month had gone bye since everyone told me to not quit and at that point I didn't listen. So I gave it a week and then I was just going to quit. During that week I had finally gotten it. Since that moment I learned to never give up on anything even when it gets to the point when i want to give up it doesn't matter what it is.

  46. When I was in sixth grade, I got a bit bored and I opened a word document and started writing. I had always been an avid reader, but before this day, I had never considered myself a writer, or even someone who enjoyed writing. And yet, as I found myself composing a number of poems(which I look back on now and they were honestly horrible), I discovered that I could lose myself in writing and it was an amazing experience. I became a passionate writer and poet and I am proud to say that I still am (though I've hopefully improved since then). That moment has defined my life in that, while to this day I can't say what made me start writing that first poem, it sparked a lifelong love for writing, both poetry and prose.

  47. Last year on a windy October day, something special happened. I became an adult. It was October 29th in fact, my birthday, and my bar mitzva. All of the guests were seated as I walked up to the podium to start my big day. I said all kinds of prayers, read from the Torah, and spoke to all of my family and friends about how gracious I was to be there on that day. I felt so proud standing up on top of that podium. Everything was perfect. After the service, was the party! It was amazing. There was every kind of food and drink you could think of. It was a feast for a king. I got to play Beatle's rockband with all of my friends. That day was definitely a day d that defines me the most.

  48. When I was 11 years old I always fought with my mother all the time and I wanted to live with my dad. Then my mother got really sick and went into the hospital for a month with Mersa, Mono, cold, and something bad with her diabetes. I got so scared and the doctors said that my mom may not live because of how seriously bad it was. I prayed, and stayed home from school for a couple of days and talked to my friends. When I thought of her in the Hospital I just wanted to cry. The doctors said that we weren't allowed to see her. That was definitely the day that defined who I was.

  49. Through my years with struggling with a lot of family issues, abandonment, deaths and loosing a lot of important things to me, it created me to be a lot stronger of a person. When my parents split up and a lot of personal stuff was happening, it was really effecting. I lost my house, and everything in it, but I got the chance to get everything that was important to me. Same situation with friends, I've lost a lot of close friends to me. But during this week or period of time, I am stronger. Every day I become a stronger person, I live life the way it is! I go with the flow and try to never do the wrong thing, because karma bites back, hard. I try in what I believe in and I accomplish whatever is right. God made the time for me and my mistakes to happen so I can learn from them, and they day I got in a huge fight with my dad, I realized a lot. From that day a I have found out deep down I'm strong, and defiantly caring. For me, to get through my struggles, its as easy as doing what makes me happy, not always just others, a good flow of my favorite music, and even a pen and paper to face my problems, and get them off my back. I am always a helpful person with giving advice, and defiantly stronger as well. :)

  50. My flashback does not encompass a single event, but rather a whole years worth. Sixth grade was not a pleasant year for me. It was a very emotional period in my life and as a result, my grades took a slight pitfall. I saw my first "F" that year, and that's when I realized, I needed help. I won't go into details since it's too personal for me to post, but I received the help I desired.
    For the rest of the year, I struggled to build back up my grades, but I succeeded. I may not have gotten my usual straight-A's, but I did pass all my classes (so no summer school). That year was hard for me, but it made me a better person (in my opinion). Looking back, I am glad it happened.

    P.S. Sorry it took so long to respond. I had originally commented on the blog linked to your home page.

  51. When i was about 7 years old, i almost drowned in a swimming pool. it basically motivated me to become a different person than what i was. We were at an outdoor pool, ready to swim. i decided to go where the "big kids" went. this not only provoked my parents to follow, but i just kept going. i thought that growing up was easy, so it didn't turn out so well because i slipped off the wall where i was holding on, and fell into the bottom of the pool. I had not taken a breath before i fell so trying to breath under water was not such a great idea. In the end,my parents eventually found me scrambling to the edge. after that long moment, i realized what a great swimmer i could have been to save myself. Now, i am challenging myself to many things, not only swimming, and to learn from all of my mistakes.

  52. When I was in 5th grade my little sister was born. She is 4 almost 5 and the sweetest girl ever. The day she was born all of the doctors were freaking out because something was wrong with her but they weren't telling us what. It was really scary and I didn't understand what was happening. It turns out that she is a dwarf. It was really hard seeing my parents being so upset about it and not knowing why. When they told me I didn't fully understand it still I just thought that she was going to not be able to do anything. But I was wrong. Seeing her do so much has taught me so much. Every day I am glad that she was born so I could learn for her.

  53. When I was 11 going into middle school I went from a small private school in Denver to Newton Middle School and then moved where I live now. It was an interesting change because it was just so different and I didn't have any friends here. On the first day I went and sat at a random table and the people there were all in at least one of my classes. This was very nice because I had people I could talk about things more than lunch and now I learned that to get what you want you need to go for it.
